AGM Update
Thank you to all our members who attended the Trust AGM and consultative meetings on 25th January. It was so encouraging to have a much bigger turnout than in previous years.
Those members present at the meeting voted to accept the following resolutions as presented.
· Acceptance of the audited accounts for financial years ending 30th June 2022, and 30th June 2023.
· Re-Appointment of Auditors.
· Members Resolution as proposed by Chris Davis.
We will be posting the annual accounts and the slides used on the evening onto the website shortly.
We have set the date for the Special General Meeting of the Trust for Thursday 25th April. More details will follow nearer to the time.
In the meantime, as discussed on the evening, we will be circulating a questionnaire on the future direction of the Trust to all members.
To support us with the planning of the Special General Meeting we will be setting up a steering group of trust members to ensure that we gather the broadest possible range of ideas and contributions.
If you are interested in stepping forward and supporting with this, please contact us at by Friday 23rd February.