Supporters’ Trust Board Election - Update


We are pleased to confirm the intended timetable and process for the Trust board election for 2024. 


The timetable will be as follows: -


Friday 31st May - Election information and nomination pack will be available. Potential candidates can request a pack by emailing


Friday 21st June 7pm - Deadline for receipt of valid nominations


Friday 28th June – Monday 15th July - Members voting period should an election be required.


As confirmed at the recent Special General Meeting only fully paid-up members (16 years of age upwards) as of 25th April, and who remain fully paid-up members throughout the process will be eligible to stand for election. Only fully paid-up members (16 years of age upwards) as of 31st May will be eligible to vote. 


The ballot will be conducted digitally. The Trust will be partnering with an independent and expert company, Mi-Voice, to run the election. A postal vote can be requested by exception although we would encourage all members to vote digitally, wherever possible, to reduce administration and cost.


There are eight vacancies. Should we receive eight or less valid nominations by the above deadline then those candidates will be elected unopposed.


Any member interested in standing can ask for advice and information from one of the current Trust Directors or officers, in confidence, by emailing Thank you to those who have already made contact.


A further communication to announce the opening of nominations will be issued on Friday 31st May.